Fund Information

APIR Code: ARG0308AU

Platforms: Hub24, Mason Stevens, Powerwrap, Australian Fund Monitors

Launch Date: 21 Nov 2022

Type of Fund: Wholesale Trust​

Mandate: Global gold and precious metals and physical gold and precious metals exchange traded funds

Benchmark: RBA CPI Rolling Annual Rate

Style: High Conviction​

Portfolio Stocks: 10-25

Max. Cash: 30%​

Min Initial Investment: $50,000

Man. Fee: 1.5%

Perf. Fee: 20% of returns in excess of the benchmark, subject to a high-water mark

Fund Pricing: Monthly​

Distributions: Annually

Fund Reporting: Monthly

Fund Overview

Unit Price: $1.074

The Argonaut Global Gold Fund is an actively managed and high conviction investor, established to target investment opportunities globally in gold and precious metals and physical gold and precious metals exchange traded funds.

The investment manager adopts a three-step investment process which includes a high-level assessment of the overall market, evaluation of macro environment and geopolitical conditions and an assessment of specific companies based on our 5 Bricks evaluation process which analyses companies according to valuation, management strength, business strength, financial strength and responsible investing. 

Investors should view the investment on a three-year investment horizon, as the volatility in gold and precious metals equities is not possible to predict. 

In an investment marketplace characterised by a move to passive index investing and homogenous investment mandates, Argonaut’s specialist gold sector expertise leaves it well positioned to deliver on its objective of achieving returns exceeding the benchmark index, RBA CPI Rolling Annual Rate, on a sustained basis. 

Performance History

**All AGGF performance figures are net of fees. Past performance is not indicative of future results.

Illustrates the relative performance of a $1000 investment in AGGF, net of fees, and the ASX 300 Resources Index since the inception of the Fund (21st November).

Assumes all distributions are reinvested back into the Fund.

How to invest

Online Application

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Via a platform

Hub24, Mason Stevens, Powerwrap, Australian Fund Monitors